Friday, July 12, 2013

Offline Video Games!

No matter an offline or an online video game, it is Always Fun and Addictive. Personally I have a few offline favourites myself. Like The Elder Scrolls V.

(image by:

It is actually an offline game. Single-player, but you get to have "Minions!"(In-game NPCs) to follow and fight by your side! It has multiple sub stories to each quest you take up. It makes the game super adventurous. Or you could always jump down a cliff like a madman and revert back to your last save.

But sometimes addictions of gaming lead to health problems or other important stuffs like YOUR SLEEP! So this week, I am going to share some of my ways to play video games healthily.
So how do we play it healthily?

Know your limits: When your butt hurts from sitting in front of your computer for too long! or when you have other important activities you ought to do. ( NEVER EVER SPENT CLOSE  TO 50hrs A WEEK! Trust me it hurts your eyes and mood...)

Drink plenty of water while gaming, it is especially good if you take a stroll to your kitchen for a drink. It creates a small little break time.

Your eyes are important for vision and watching your video games! So take timeout to view real greenery, of your home or take a walk outside.

(*Not the images!)

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I will be posting more healthy game posts and feel free to share your ways and your favourite offline / single-player games too. Have fun and relax.~