Something that involves kicking feathers...
So I bet you were once a kid / still one now and during that period of time, YOU WERE hitting balloons to keep them in the air :D. Well there was a better substitute to that!
It is called Chapteh if you didn't get it...
Here's a reference to your "balloon game":
Quick question:
That's a very long link. Who would type it in and not using COPY and PASTE.
All of us, when we didn't realize there's a copy and paste function when we first started using COMPUTERS!
What you will need:
-The Chapteh itself! (Or USE BALLOONS like a little girl you are! Unless you are one) :D
-1 or more players!
-Your feet
-Shoes if u are afraid your precious little foot may get injured. Aw~
-A suitable open space with at least 3m in height and enough space for players, so they DO NOT KICK SOMEONE ELSE. I know u would do that! DON'T!
Here's a picture of 3 Chaptehs :
(image from:
-Firstly, what are rules? I do not know of any which will never be broken :D
-Classic rule: Using only your foot to kick the Chapteh, if the Chapteh touches the ground you're out.
-MAKE YOUR OWN RULES, you should feel like the master of the world!
How to win:
-Competitive playing only!: Most kicks of the Chapteh without letting it touch the ground.
-Non-competitive playing : Kick it around like SOME HYPER ACTIVE & MARTIL ARTIST GUINEA PIG!
So that's it, once you've mastered your kicking skills u can try to jump kick these:
Oh and once you are going to kick those hot air balloons, please write a WILL first.
Goodbye and have FUN!~ :D
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